Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Dewajtis 5, 01-815 Warsaw, Poland
phone: +48 22 561 88 56
Bank account: Santander Bank SA
IBAN: PL87 1090 2851 0000 0001 2031 4629
NIP: 525-00-12-946 | REGON: 000001956
The UKSW Faculty of Theology is a prominent ecclesiastical faculty in Poland. It offers master’s, canonical licentiate and doctoral studies in many theological specializations. Since 2015, the University has been offering courses in the English language.
Our courses are characterized by their being faithful to the Tradition and heritage of the Church in Poland and across the world. Therefore, among our alumni there are many renowned theologians, pastors, bishops, Polish Episcopal Conference consultors, persons working for Vatican dicasteries, tribunals and apostolic nunciatures.
Reasearch and education at the Faculty of Theology are carried out by almost 100 members of the teaching staff of the Faculty. They are renowned for their competence, openness, friendliness and Christian commitment. They teach various courses, according to their specializations.
At present, the Faculty of Theology offers the following study programmes:
Theological Studies in English
The Faculty offers a special English-language programme of Specialized Theological Studies, which prepares students to obtain canonical Licentiate in Theology and/or Doctorate in Theology.
Incoming Erasmus+ students may participate in the courses which are offered in English at the Faculty of Theology and at other Faculties of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. However, incoming Erasmus+ students should take at least 18 ECTS at the Faculty of Theology. In case of any problems, please do not hesitate to contact the Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinator Rev. Prof. UKSW Dr hab. Bartosz Adamczewski: b.adamczewski [at] uksw.edu.pl.
More information on the website of the UKSW International Relations Office.
Rev. Prof. Dr hab. Piotr Tomasik
Office hours: Tue 9.00 – 11.00 (room 41)
Deputy Dean for Finances and Full-Time Programmes
Rev. Dr Jarosław Sobkowiak
Office hours: Tue 9.45 – 11.15 (room 47)
Deputy Dean for International Cooperation and Part-Time Programmes
Rev. Prof. Dr hab. Marek Tatar
Office hours: Wed 9.00 – 10.30 (room 52)
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Dewajtis 5, 01-815 Warsaw, Poland
phone: +48 22 561 88 56
Bank account: Santander Bank SA
IBAN: PL87 1090 2851 0000 0001 2031 4629
NIP: 525-00-12-946 | REGON: 000001956