Canonical licentiate theses

Theses for the License Exam 2023/2024

Biblical Theology

  1. The Document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church (1993).
  2. Main principles of textual criticism in the research on the Bible.
  3. The origin of the Synoptic Gospels.
  4. Ancient and modern texts of the translations of Sacred Scripture.
  5. Apocalyptic literature.
  6. The significance of the discoveries at Qumran for the research on the Old and New Testament.
  7. Exegesis of Gen 1–3.
  8. The book of Haggai.
  9. Social history of New Testament times.
  10. History of interpretation of the pericope of the transfiguration of Jesus.
  11. Christological titles in the Gospel of Luke.
  12. Pragmalinguistic analysis of Jn 21.
  13. The Johannine narrative of Jesus’ passion and death on the cross (Jn 18–19).
  14. Ethical issues in the letters of St. Paul.
  15. A facultative topic (chosen by the student).


  1. Catechesis in the ancient Church (catechumenate)
  2. Criteria for the proclamation of the evangelical message
  3. Evangelization and the contemporary world
  4. Goals and tasks of catechesis
  5. The formation of catechists
  6. Liturgy and catechesis: mutual relations
  7. Catechesis and the family
  8. Catechesis with children
  9. Adolescent catechesis (and rites of passage)
  10. Catechesis with adults
  11. Inculturation of the faith (African / Asian context)
  12. Main catechetical documents
  13. Catechesis in socio-cultural contexts
  14. Catechesis with the elderly
  15. Catechetical methodology

Dogmatic Theology

  1. The problem of reinterpretation of the original sin’s consequences in man
  2. The mystery of creation and origin of man
  3. The Holy Spirit in the economy of salvation
  4. Jesus Christ as the only Mediator between God and men
  5. The inner life of the Holy Trinity
  6. The Church as the universal sacrament of salvation
  7. Mary in the mystery of the Church
  8. The Divine and spiritual maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  9. The Sacrament of Baptism’s theology
  10.  The significance of the Eucharist in the forming a new creature
  11. A charismatic dimension of the renewal movements within the Church
  12. The Catholic doctrine on Purgatory
  13. The eschatological dimension of death
  14. Justification made possible by God’s grace
  15.  Divine Providence and a problem of evil

Fundamental Theology

  1. From ancient Christian apology to new apology.
  2. The most important trends in contemporary fundamental theology.
  3. Homo capax Dei – the phenomenon of human openness to God.
  4. The essence, types, stages and signs of divine revelation.
  5. The credibility of the primary non-Christian and Christian sources about Jesus Christ.
  6. The rationale for believing in the Divine identity of the Jesus Christ Person.
  7. The place of the cross in the redemptive consciousness of Jesus Christ.
  8. The credibility of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  9. The Corinthian Creed and its importance for the credibility of the paschal faith.
  10. The contemporary fundamental theological approach to the origins of the Church.
  11. The motives for the Church’s faith in primacy and its succession.
  12. The historical and theological foundations of the apostolic succession – from the Twelve to the College of Bishops.
  13. Justification for the infallibility of the Church’s Magisterium.
  14. Catholic faith and Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.
  15. Catholic reflection on modernism, secularization and postmodernism.


  1. Name the main twentieth century Church’s documents on missions and present main topics of Redemptoris missio.
  2. Biblical foundation for missions.
  3. Ecclesiological justification for missions.
  4. Proclamation of the Gospel as mission objective.
  5. Plantatio Ecclesiae as mission objective.
  6. Spreading the value of God’s Kingdom as mission objective.
  7. Missions in antiquity and the Middle Ages.
  8. History of missions in Asia.
  9. History of missions in Africa.
  10. History of missions in America.
  11. Missions and cultures.
  12. Missions and interreligious dialogue.
  13. African missionaries in the world.
  14. Problems of “reductions” missions in Latin America.
  15. “Accommodation problems” in China missions.

Moral Theology

  1. A man in the perspective of God’s calling.
  2. Sources of human act morality.
  3. The moral law of the order of creation and the law of redemption.
  4. Essence and functions of conscience.
  5. Faith, hope and love at the basis of Christian life.
  6. The ecclesial and sacramental dimension of Christian morality.
  7. Christian vision of freedom.
  8. Holiness of human life.
  9. Implications of the commandment „do not kill”.
  10. Personalistic and social dimension of sin.
  11. Reconciliation and penance as a result of conversion.
  12. Anthropological foundations of social life.
  13. The family as a community of life and love.
  14. Personalistic dimension of human work.
  15. Justice and mercy are the basis of social order


  1. The martyrs of Lyons: history and theology of martyrdom.
  2. Creation of the first man according to St. Irenaeus of Lyon.
  3. The Church as school of Logos according to St. Clement of Alexandria.
  4. Church and sacraments at Origen.
  5. Tertullian in the dispute over the Holy Trinity.
  6. The problem of St. Cyprian’s escape from the persecution in 250.
  7. Monastic life according to St. Basil.
  8. The way to apophatic vision of God in St. Gregory of Nyssa’s doctrine.
  9. Interpretation of the Holy Scriptures in the “Apophtegmata” of Desert Fathers.
  10. Christian asceticism and philosophy according to St. John Chrysostom.
  11. Rites of Christian initiation according to St. Ambrose.
  12. Commentary on Isaiah of St. Jerome.
  13. St. Augustine and Donatism.
  14. Origin of the Holy Spirit according to St. Cyril of Alexandria.
  15. The idea of Peter’s Rome as a historical category according to St. Leon the Great.

Spiritual Theology

  1. Ascetic dimension of Christian Spirituality.
  2. Mystical experience – its nature and essence.
  3. Spirituality and the new evangelization.
  4. Patristic spirituality – the basics
  5. The spirituality of the laity.
  6. The spirituality of the consecrated persons.
  7. Unity and multiplicity of spirituality.
  8. Prayer – the source and expression of spirituality.
  9. Contemplative prayer according of selected authors.
  10. The nature of unity in spiritual life.
  11. Nights of purification of the senses and spirit.
  12. Anthropological attitudes of Christian spirituality.
  13. The process and paths of development in the spiritual life of a Christian.
  14. The role of spiritual guidance in the process of spiritual life.
  15. Generals Schools of Spirituality.