Further information

NOTICE: monograph lecture = lecture (in every module) marked in the plan with E.

Biblical-Patristic Theology Module

Classes in the first semester: Waldemar Linke – Bible as a Source of Spiritual Life

Classes in the second semester: Krzysztof Bardski – Theological Symbols in the Song of Songs

Lectures / monographs – see the plan of courses:

Systematic Theology Module

Classes in the first semester: Małgorzata Pagacz – Theology of the consecrated life

Classes in the second semester: Mariusz Boguszewski – Religious freedom in the teaching of the Catholic Church

Lectures / monographs – see the plan of courses:

Practical (Missiological-Catechetical) Theology Module

Classes in the first semester: Krzysztof Filipowicz – Liturgical hermeneutics of continuity

Classes in the first semester: Aneta Rayzacher-Majewska – Catechetical formation

Classes in the second semester: Tomasz Kopiczko – Bible and liturgy in catechetical context

Lectures / monographs – see the plan of courses: