UKSW- Faculty of Theology trends in PhD

In a quest for the universal character of education, the prestigious Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, UKSW, established the English section in 2015. This is aimed at creating equal opportunity for international students who prefer to frequent their lectures in English as a medium of communication. This academic upgrade has led to the creation of more than twenty doctoral students from Africa, Europe and Asia, presently contributing to the intellectual formation of students in major seminaries and other tertiary institutions of learning.

At a special public defence of his doctoral dissertation, Fr. Bruno Naanlong Yenkwo of the Catholic diocese of Shendam in the central Nigeria, successfully defended his thesis on the topic Jesus’ Attitude towards the Tradition of the Elders concerning Purity and Impurity according to the Gospel of Mark 7:1-23. Within the four years of studies (2018-2022), Fr. Dr Bruno has been awarded a Canonical Licentiate degree in 2018 and backed up a Doctorate in Biblical Studies in 2022.

The event was marked by the High Commission of the University senate, the Deans of Faculties and Heads of Departments and other international professors from different universities within and outside Poland.

Thanks to the sponsorship of the Pontifical Association of the Aid to Church in Need ACN International, Fr. Dr Bruno Yenkwo and many other priests have embraced this programme which lays premium on the productive formation of pastors of the faith. Speaking by phone with the candidate’s main promotor Ks Prof Janusz Kręcidło, the Catholic Bishop of Shendam in Nigeria, Most Rev. Dr Philip Davou Dung, while congratulating his priest, also expresses gratitude to the University for their qualitative education, but most especially to ACN International for their sponsorship. The association was ably represented by Ks Prof. Cisło Waldemar and Ks Dr Mariusz Boguszewski of ACN, Poland.  Bishop Dung emphatically calls on other African Bishops to utilize this opportunity by sending more priests for further studies in the different fields of specialization, so as to create priests adequately equipped with the relevant tools for taming global trends.

In a world that is constantly been attacked by agents of secularism and a disregard for sacred values, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw maintains a qualitative standard of education without comprising orthodoxy to the essential tenets of Christianity. It creates an environment conducive to study. Poland is both peaceful and relatively economically reasonable, compared to most European nations.  Come and make UKSW Warsaw your home.

By Fr. Alexander Dung

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